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Results for "keyword: "dissent""
The God Who Riots A Mexican-American activist's portrait of Jesus that may look unfamiliar to many Christians.
The Last Black Man in San Francisco A uniquely affecting meditation on race, gentrification, and belonging.
BlacKkKlansman A stylish and satirical indictment of the legacy of white supremacy.
Birthday of Philip Berrigan (PDP) Honoring the life and courage of a priest who became a voice for sanity through his nonviolent war resistance.
Selma A stirring and enlightening movie about civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his crusade for equality.
A Litany for Economic and Social Justice Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing demonstration in New York City to protest economic and social injustices. Participants have moved into a park in lower Manhattan near Wall Street and have marched th…
Birthday of Nelson Mandela (PDP) Honoring the life of the South African political leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who never gave up on his ideal of a democratic society.
The Path of Resistance When we see governments committing acts that harm people and the planet, the religions say "Resist!" These prayers, quotes, readings, practices, and websites will support you on this path.
Films about Whistleblowers A collection of films that reinvigorate our moral courage.
Exploring The Grapes of Wrath Themes and practices for John Steinbeck's classic about refugees from the Dust Bowl.